Friday, October 20, 2006

Signal the Death

It's funny how little children open our micro-world right back up. As adults we often are too overwhelmed with the details of life that we forget to pay attention to the little details of creation. My four year old Aedan notices every lacewing, every ant hill, every darting dragonfly. How wonderful to notice those things once again! I bought Aedan some new books on his favorite subject: bugs. I'm a student with him, learning the differences of each tiny and miraculous creature.

In those books I read about the great migration of the Monarch butterfly. I never noticed them predicting the beginning of each Autumn, their intricately painted pumpkin wings, sweeping across the horizon. I spent the whole week amazed by their long journey. I counted thousands as they flew over our car. I was able to watch a few as they stopped for a drink of a pink Zinnia's nectar, and then they began their journey again. What a creative God we serve!

I then thought how fitting it was that God would choose the one creature who once died to itself to birth a new creation. The Monarch signals the death of the earth, who once again yields to winter's treachery. But death in this Christian life always brings life. Pain is sure, but Spring is just around the corner. Glory to His precious and Holy name!

Have mercy on this soul, your creation, during the seasons of death in my life. May I always cling to your life-giving hand.


Connie said...

Tara, what a refreshing perspective. I enjoyed reading your post today. I found you by accident thanks to the "next blog" button, but I'll be back to read more.

Margo said...

How refreshing and so true Tara!!

Maralyn said...

Isn't it interesting that we have to learn to die in order to REALLY live?!

Kelly Bermudez said...

So very beautiful!