Saturday, October 21, 2006

It's a bird! It's a plane...

I like to take my kids to the park. The fresh air and room to run is always good for us. This summer Aedan was at the top of the slide looking up at the birds. He reached out his little hands and said, "Look mommy! I can fly just like the birds." Of course in my heart I panicked, thinking, he's going to hurl himself to the earth. All I could see in my mind was flashing ambulance lights. This was clearly an over-reaction of a protective mother. Instead of freaking out I said, "Oh Aedan, we were never intended to fly." That little statement didn't really reflect what I believed. I go overboard with my son, acting out stories, pretending to be the voice of his imaginary friends and toys, Kung Fu fighting, the works. He has an incredible imagination. I couldn't believe that in that moment I would say such a thing even if I was just trying to protect him.

We were certainly intended to fly, even if only in our imagination. Why do our imaginations sometimes get rusty as we age? Let's get back to dreaming big and having a little fun. We all need to lighten up a bit. Maybe then the gravity of life wouldn't be so heavy. Maybe then we would be able to fly again.

Today I went to the store and couldn't resist the purchase of one size small, Superman pajama set, complete with cape. This is one four year old who was intended to fly! He jumped off the couch at least a hundred times until he was completely out of breath. "Look at me mommy. I can fly!" Go for it pumpkin. I'll catch you if you fall.

Lord, teach me to allow this child to reach his fullest potential in you. Let not my limited imagination ever affect his belief in the miraculous.

1 comment:

Margo said...

Fligh high Aedan!!!